Rooftop of the Prado Museum – First Prize

The main objective is to restore the roof layout of Villanueva’s original project.

The new design integrates the roofs of the three successive expansions of the Museum (A-914, B-1955 and C-1964 and 1968), eliminating the sloping roofs of the (C) expansion in contact with the Villanueva building to recover its layout and cornices, creating a flat, inverted, visitable roof, on which all the current and foreseeable air conditioning machinery is placed in an orderly manner, freeing the sloping roofs and the Velázquez Pavilion, and serving as a convenient access to the ducts of the new roofs of the (A) and (B) expansions.

We propose a unique roofing solution for extensions (A) and (B) featuring longitudinal skylights oriented exclusively to the North. This design eliminates all current accessories such as slats, awnings, etc., from the recessed areas that prevent excessive lighting and heat generated by glass roofs.

The existing skylights located above the roofs of the Goya and Murillo pavilions and the central gallery are eliminated and the lighting is achieved by glass strips located on the same plane of the roof, alternating with blind 50%-lead strips.

The entire roof of the Velázquez Room is made of lead, except for the vertical glass plane of the north skylight.

Maximum simplification of roofing materials from the ten currently existing to only lead, used massively on all roofs, and glass, both in the newly created north skylights and in the refurbishment of the original roofs of the Villanueva project.

Adaptation of existing exhibition spaces and creation of the new Goya and Murillo exhibition rooms.

Key facts


Ministerio de Cultura, Patronato del Museo del Prado

Rafael Olalquiaga Soriano, Dionisio Hernández Gil

Madrid, España


Architects: Pedro Rodríguez Agudín, Luis Miguel Rincón, Pablo Olalquiaga Bescós
Technical Architect: Santiago Hernández, JC Coronas
Structural Engineer: MZOU – Entrecanales – FCC
Engineering: JG Ingenieros

975.188.597,00 pta – 5.861.000,00 €

First Prize

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